Tên đề tài: Nanoformulation of bioactive extracts from Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M. King and H. Robinson for hemostasis and wound healing activities
Chuyên ngành: Công nghệ sinh học
Mã số: 9420201
Họ tên NCS: Lưu Huỳnh Ngọc Dũng
Người hướng dẫn khoa học: TS. Hoàng Lê Sơn, PGS.TS. Trần Ngọc Quyền
Cơ sở đào tạo: Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia TP. HCM
Tóm tắt:
The dissertation has main contributions, including:
The dissertation has created a bridge between traditional medicine and modern science. By applying nanotechnology, the pharmacological activities of plant extracts in supporting wound treatment have been enhanced. Moreover, this work was successful in applying nanotechnology to develop two novel potential pharmaceutical products from bioactive extracts of Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M. King and H. Robinson for supporting wound treatment. In details:
- Successfully fabricated a novel topical cream based on nanoformulation of Chromolaena odorata extract to replace the traditional ointment formulations for accelerating burn wound healing. The cream reached the standard criteria of Vietnamese Pharmacopoeia V. The cream enhanced cell migration, promoted wound contraction, and shortened epithelialization time. It also increased neovascularization, epidermal regeneration, and collagen density. Therefore, the topical cream is expected to be a new alternative therapy for wound treatment.
- Successfully synthesized an antibacterial hybrid dressing based on copper nanoparticles green-synthesized by Chromolaena odorata extract and alginate for infectious wound treatment. The hybrid dressing was stable, excellently antibacterial, and hemocompatible as well as biocompatible. Thus, the hybrid dressing has great potential when applied as wound dressing.
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